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Iterating over a hash response and saving to database

I have a hash response that looks like this.

    "count": 1,
    "filters": {
        "status": [
    "competition": {
        "id": 2015,
        "name": "Ligue 1",
    "matches": [
            "id": 296861,
            "score": {
                "winner": "HOME_TEAM",
                "fullTime": {
                    "homeTeam": 4,
                    "awayTeam": 1
            "homeTeam": {
                "id": 523,
                "name": "Olympique Lyonnais"
            "awayTeam": {
                "id": 528,
                "name": "Dijon Football Côte d'Or"

I will like to iterate over it and save selected values to the associated model. At the moment i can only iterate over a particular hash key like this after getting the response from the api.

match_array = response["matches"]
match_array.each do | value |
  MatchScore.create(winner: value["score"]["winner"])

What i want is to be able to iterate over the response hash and save a record whiles passing in values from other hash keys. For example;

MatchScore.create(winner: value["score"]["winner"], competition_id: competition[:id])


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