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Wit AI speech recognition

I am trying to submit an audio in ogg format to https://api.wit.ai/speech?v=20200513 . I need to receive a text representation of the voice. When I submit the code through curl request, it returns empty response as {"_text": "", "entities": ""} . I also tried to execute it with pywit. Below is the code:

from wit import Wit

with open('2.ogg', 'rb') as f:
    resp = client.post_speech(f, content_type='audio/ogg')

print('Yay, got Wit.ai response: ' + str(resp))

My guess was that the file is not captured, but print shows _io.BufferedReader name='2.ogg' , which means that the file is stored in the buffer, but wit ai refuses to transcribe it.

Why does wit respond with empty _text ?

Not sure why, but the problem happens only with OGG files even though documentation states that it does work with this file extension. So, I had to convert the audio into WAV and try again. This time it worked perfectly well.

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