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Wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) Ruby

def self.grab

    article = self.article_names
    links = self.article_links
    body = self.article_body

    articles = {}
    articles[:title] = article
    articles[:url] = links
    articles[:body] = body

    art = Ello::Hello.new



When I run this with

class Ello::Hello
attr_accessor :url, :article, :body,

@@all = []

def initialize(hash)
    @article = hash["title"]
    @body = hash["body"]
    @url = hash["url"]
    @@all << self

def self.all

I get wrong number of arguments error? I know that usually when it says wrong number it means that it's not exactly reading the argument that I put in. But I feel like I did put in an argument but I'm unsure of why it's not being read.

In such cases, you should always paste the complete error message, and indicate which line in your code is affected.

Anyway, I can see that your wrote art = Ello::Hello.new (0 arguments), but the initialize method for this class expects 1 argument.

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