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Iterate through child to parent

I'm claming data from following query,

    var targetItems = await _dbContext.TargetItems
        .Include(ti => ti.BranchTargetItem)
        .ThenInclude(bti => bti.BranchTarget)

I need to find a way to sum values from bottom to top level in my tree. Must sum values respectively regarding its own first level child values like I commented out below,

targetItems = {
   "values":14, << sum of B + C values
         "item":"C", << sum of D + E + H values
               "values":4, << sum of F + G values

Not able to post any code here because, I am not even close to solution.

int SetSumOfChildren(object node){
  if(!(node.childs?.Any() ?? false)){
    node.values = node.values ?? 0;
  else {      
    int sum = 0;
    foreach(var n in node.childs){
      sum += SetSumOfChildren(n);
    node.values = sum;
  return node.values;


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