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Pentaho Kettle Java 11 Roadmap

Currently Pentaho Kettle (v.9.1) officially only support Java 8. This is a problem for us, since we are maintaining a plugin that needs Java 11 because of a essential library that needs Java 11. Does anyone have details on the roadmap for the migration to Java 11. I could only find some older information that Java 11 is on the roadmap, but not when it will be available for Kettle.

Our current solution is to use Java 11. You can get Spoon running when removing the JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS from the bat/sh file. But this is not the best solution since the application is not fully compatible and we are experiencing more and more problems.

Also alternative ideas or solutions are welcome.

截至 5 月 20 日, Pentaho Kettle 存储库的 README.md明确提到了 Java 11,因此现在似乎已得到官方支持。

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