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Password regex that requires “at least two of” certain characters

Im working on javascript regex which includes having following conditions. So far with no luck.

-The minimum character count allowed is 8.

-The maximum character count allowed is 64.

-The entered text should include at least two of the following - numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, Special characters.

-Entering symbols will not be supported.

So far what I have is this @anubhava answer here .


This regex will enforce these rules:

-At least one upper case English letter, (?=.*?[AZ])

-At least one lower case English letter, (?=.*?[az])

-At least one digit, (?=.*?[0-9])

-At least one special character, (?=. ?[#?!@$%^& -])

-Minimum eight in length .{8,63} (with the anchors)

My Question is how do I satify my 3rd and 4th conditions Which is :-

-The entered text should include at least two of the following - numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, Special characters.

-Entering symbols will not be supported.

Any help would be appreciated.

 var regex =/^(?=.*\\d)(?=.*[!@#$%^&*])(?=.*[az])(?=.*[AZ]).{8,64}$/; function test() { if(regex.test(document.getElementById("txtPassword").value)===false) { alert("Min 8,Max 64,At Least One Uppercase Character,One Lowercase Character,One Numeric Value And One Special Character(!@#$%^&*) Required "); } else { alert("Success"); } }
 <input type="text" id="txtPassword" /> <button id="testBtn" onclick=test()>CheckPassword</button>


The string should not contain any symbol outside the 4 groups of characters


The string should not consist only of lower letters


The string should not consist only of upper letters


The string should not consist only of digits


The string should not consist only of special characters


The string should consist of 8 to 64 characters


UPDATED 2020-09-07

If the string should contain symbols of at list 3 groups of 4


The string should not contain any symbol outside the 4 groups of characters


Then 4 variants of 3 groups of 4 that the symbols should be member of:








and finally the string should consist of 8 to 64 characters


Text includes at least two of the following - numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, Special characters. No characters outside [A-Za-z0-9#?!@$%^&*-]


Text includes at least three of the following - numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, Special characters. No characters outside [A-Za-z0-9#?!@$%^&*-]


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