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Rspec testing raising and rescue of method

Is there a way to rspec test if an error was raised and rescued? If I have a rescue, my rspec test does not see the raised error, only results in the rescue?

module MyApp
  def some_method(msg)
     raise StandardError.new(msg)

  def second_method(msg)
      count = 0
    rescue StandardError=> e
      puts e
      count = 1

RSpec.describe Myapp do
  describe "#some_method" do
    it "should raise error" do
       expect {
        some_method("this is an error")
      }.to raise_error(StandardError) {|e|
        expect(e.message).to eql "this is an error"

  # this fails, as the error is not raised
  describe "#second_method" do
    it should raise error and rescue do
      expect {
        a = second_method("this is an error and rescue")
      }.to raise_error(StandardError) {|e|
        expect(e.message).to eql "this is an error and rescue"
        expect(a) = 1

You generally don't want to raise or rescue StandardError directly because it's pretty uninformative, and won't catch errors outside of the StandardError hierarchy . Instead, you generally want to test that a specific exception was raised, or that a specific error class or error message was raised.

If you know the custom or built-in exception class that you want, or the specific error message, then test for that explicitly. For example:

it 'should raise an ArgumentError exception' do
  expect { MyApp.new.foo }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)

it 'should raise MyCustomError' do
  expect { MyApp.new.foo }.to raise_error(MyCustomError)

it 'should raise StandardError with a custom message' do
  msg = 'this is a custom error and rescue'
  expect { MyApp.new.foo }.to raise_error(msg)

If you don't know (or care about) the specific exception or message that should be raised, but you expect some exception to interrupt the execution flow, then you should use a bare raise_error matcher. For example:

it "should raise an exception" do
  expect { MyApp.new.foo }.to raise_error

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