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TypeError: can't convert type 'str' to numerator/denominator

I am having trouble with some variable types in my code. The error that I get now is:

TypeError: can't convert type 'str' to numerator/denominator

The code line in question is the following:

valor_anual[data[0]['Dados'][json_date][0]['geodsg']][year_code] = statistics.mean(valor_mensal_aux)

Here is a snippet of my code to give you guys context:

valor_anual = [0][0]

for city_code in city_codes:

    for year_code in year_codes:
        valor_mensal_aux = []
        for month_code in month_codes:

            url_imob = Request(
                "https://www.ine.pt/ine/json_indicador/pindica.jsp?op=2&varcd=0010042&Dim1=S3A" + year_code + \
                month_code + "&Dim2=" + city_code + "&Dim3=T&lang=PT", headers={'User-Agent': 'XYZ/3.0'})
            json_date = year_code + month_code
            response = urlopen(url_imob)
            data = json.loads(response.read())

        valor_anual[data[0]['Dados'][json_date][0]['geodsg']][year_code] = statistics.mean(valor_mensal_aux)

        python_imob = Imob(year_code, valor_anual[city_code][year_code], data['DataUltimoAtualizacao'],
        imobs = session.query(Imob).all()

The JSON that I'm getting data from has the following structure:

[ {
  "IndicadorCod" : "0010042",
  "IndicadorDsg" : "Valor mediano de avaliação bancária (€/ m²) por Localização geográfica (Município - 2013) e Tipo de construção; Mensal - INE, Inquérito à avaliação bancária na habitação",
  "MetaInfUrl" : "https://www.ine.pt/bddXplorer/htdocs/minfo.jsp?var_cd=0010042&lingua=PT",
  "DataExtracao" : "2020-06-29T15:55:51.640+01:00",
  "DataUltimoAtualizacao" : "2020-06-29",
  "UltimoPref" : "Maio de 2020",
  "Dados" : {
    "202005" : [ {
      "geocod" : "1701106",
      "geodsg" : "Lisboa",
      "dim_3" : "T",
      "dim_3_t" : "Total",
      "valor" : "3084"
    } ]
} ]



It is impossible to give an exact solution without the full source code, however I suspect your issue is that you are attempting to take the mean of valor_mensal_aux which contains string elements. Try converting "valor" to an integer before appending it to the list:


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