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How to globaly initialize variable in c and what is the difference between static and extern?

请向我解释如何在 C 中全局初始化变量范围以及静态和外部之间的区别

The scope of variable means: Where can it be seen (aka where does it exist) and thereby be accessed.

The scope of a variable depends on where in the code it is defined.

A variable gets global scope when it is defined outside a function. The keyword static can limit the scope of a global variable so that it can only be seen in that particular c-file (aka compilation unit). So:


int gInt1;         // Global variable that can be seen by all c-files

static int gInt2;  // Global variable that can be seen only by this c-file

void foo(void)
    int lInt;  // Local variable 


In order to use a global variable from another c-file, you tell the compiler that it exists in some other file. For this you use the extern keyword.


extern int gInt1;  // Now gInt1 can be used in this file

void bar(void)
    int n = gInt1 * (gInt1 + 1);


You often put the extern declaration into a header file. Like:


extern int gInt1;  // Any c-file that includes file1.h can use gInt1


#include "file1.h" // Now gInt1 can be used in this file

void bar(void)
    int n = gInt1 * (gInt1 + 1);


Regarding initialization

Initializing a global variable is no different from initializing a local variable.

The only difference between global and local variables is when you do not have an initializer. In such cases a local variable will be left uninitialized while global variables will be default initialized (which typically means initialized to zero).


int gInt1 = 42;         // Global variable explicit initialized to 42

int gInt2;              // Global variable default initialized to 0

void foo(void)
    int lInt1 = 42;     // Local variable explicit initialized to 42

    int lInt2;          // Local variable uninitialized. Value is ??

To Declare a variable of global scope ,just declare it outside all functions.

Intial value -0.

Scope of Global variable: It can be used in all functions and files.

Life- Till Program execution.

Use of extern keyword :

If you declared a global variable in a file and want to use it in another file then extern keyword is used.

int x=5;        //source file

extrern int x=10;   //any other file

Another use of extern keyword is if the golbal variable is used before declaration in program. example:

void main()
 int x
 extern int y;
int y=5;

Static varialbe:

intial value-0

scope- Till control remain in block,function or file.

Life -Till Program execution.

void main()
void fun()
int x=0;

After Program ends x=3.

Static Variable can also be used as global variable and declared outside all functions but the scope remain in the file in which it is defined. example:

static int x=2;
int main()

That's all!

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