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Javascript: If statement not executing despite condition true and code to be executed works outside of If

I am trying to complete an assignment that simulates the micromouse challenge, where I need to map walls and then find the best path to the goal. I have been building out my blocks to move and to detect collision with a wall and was having success until my screen froze. I had my code saved and so restarted my laptop and pasted my code back in but now one of my If statements doesn't execute and I can't see what is wrong. Each function (the in-built isColllisionDetected() and my function offWall()) works separately for the same move input. But together I now get nothing.
This is my first post here so not sure if you need more information thn the below, please let me know. Any guidance on what I am missing would be hugely appreciated. Key points:

  1. isCollisionDetected() is an inbuilt function of the environment. When the robot hits a wall this returns true
  2. offWall() is my code, when called the robot moves in reverse for a few pixels and then stops. I have included this code just in case, although it refers to other functions I have not shown here. I need to use this when I hit a wall so I can move away from the wall and then reorient the robot.
  3. When I call the offWall() function on it's own, the code executes correctly.
  4. When I deliberately run the robot into a wall and println(isCollisionDetected()), the output is true.
  5. My If statement as below does not execute, despite the individual components seemingly working in isolation

edited to show full code

full code

// function for directional movement
function direction() {
    if ((getHeading() >= 1.47) && (getHeading() <= 1.66)) {
        return "South";
    if ((getHeading() >= 4.62) && (getHeading() <= 4.80)) {
        return "North"; 
    if ((getHeading() >= 6.19) && (getHeading() <= 0.87)) {
    return "East"; 
    if ((getHeading() >= 3.05) && (getHeading() <= 3.23)) {
    return "West"; 

// function for tile coordinates
function tileX() {
    return (Math.floor(getX() / 64));
function tileY() {
    return (Math.floor(getY() / 64));

// truncate decimal places to 4
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
   minimumFractionDigits: 4,      
   maximumFractionDigits: 4,

// calculate diagonal distance
function magnitude(x, y) {
    return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2));

// velocity calculation
velocity = magnitude(getVelocityX(), getVelocityY());

// create turn function with degrees conversion
function turn(angleDeg) {
    angleDeg = angleDeg * (formatter.format(Math.PI / 180));
    let delta = 0;
    do {
        delta = angleDeg - getHeading();
        let v = Math.min(1 , Math.abs(delta));
        if (Math.abs(delta) > 0.002) {
             if (delta > 0) {
            } else {
        } else {
    } while (Math.abs(delta) > 0.002);

// move foreward function with distance in tiles
function forward(distance) {
    distance = distance * 64;
    const startX = getX();
    const startY = getY();
    const leeway = 5;
    let travelled = 0;
    let delta = 0;
    let velocity = magnitude(getVelocityX(), getVelocityY());
    do {
        travelled = magnitude(
           getX() - startX, getY() - startY
        delta = distance - travelled;
        if (Math.abs(delta > leeway)) {
            let v = Math.min(1 , Math.abs(delta) / 64);
            if (delta > 0) {
            } else {
        } else {
    } while (
        !isCollisionDetected() && (
            Math.abs(delta) > 3 ||
            Math.abs(velocity) > 3

function offWall() {
    const d = 5;
    const startX = getX();
    const startY = getY();
    let travelled = 0;
    do {
        travelled = magnitude(
           getX() - startX, getY() - startY
        if (travelled < d) {
    } while (travelled < d);

// wall locator functions for Y and X
function wallLocY() {
    if (direction("South")) {
    return (tileY() + 1);
    if (direction("North")) {
    return (tileY() - 1);
function wallLocX() {
    if (direction("East")) {
    return (tileX() + 1);
    if (direction("West")) {
    return (tileX() - 1);

This is all followd by my If statement:

if (isCollisionDetected()) {
    println("wall found");    

Which is then followed by me calling a movement function, eg forward(9);

Just answering this formally, thanks to @Jaromanda X.

I needed to move the If statement to after calling my movement function so it can run at the right time in my code block. thanks for helping me, I was feeling crazy :)

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