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Issue with room database android

I want to insert some value that i got from my transaction into Room database .

I use the Insert method to save data into room database and also @query to get all data from database .

But the problem is that the data not saved and when i switch between my screens there is no sign of data .

Code :

my table

@Entity (tableName = "credit")
data class Credit(

    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    val id : Int? ,
    var credittext: Long


my Dao :

        //credit table dao

        @Query("SELECT * FROM credit ")
        fun creditall () : LiveData<Credit>

        @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
        suspend fun insertcredit (model : Credit)

        @Query("DELETE FROM credit")
       suspend fun deletecredit ()


my repository :

    // repository for Credit

    fun getallcredit() = db.GetDao().creditall()

    suspend fun deletallcredit() = db.GetDao().deletecredit()

    suspend fun insertcredit(model : Credit) = db.GetDao().insertcredit(model)


Viewmodel Room :

    // this is for credit tb

    fun creditall() = repository.getallcredit()

    fun deletecredit() = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {



    fun insertcredit(model: Credit) = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {



My Room database :

package com.example.ahwazfriut.Room

import android.content.Context
import androidx.room.Database
import androidx.room.Room
import androidx.room.RoomDatabase

@Database(entities = [RoomTables::class , Credit::class], version = 1, exportSchema = false)

abstract class DataBaseRoom : RoomDatabase() {

    abstract fun GetDao(): DaoCart

    companion object {
        private var instance: DataBaseRoom? = null

        private val lock = Any()

        operator fun invoke(context: Context) = instance
            ?: synchronized(lock) {
                    ?: makeDatabase(
                    ).also {
                        instance = it

        private fun makeDatabase(context: Context) = Room.databaseBuilder(


and this is my activity where i insert and get data :

class Payment_Activity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var viewmodel: ViewModelRoom

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


 private fun paymentVerification() {

        val textmoney: TextView = findViewById(R.id.money)
        val data: Uri? = intent.data

        val getpurchase = ZarinPal.getPurchase(this)

        getpurchase.verificationPayment(data) {

                isPaymentSuccess, refID, paymentRequest ->

            if (isPaymentSuccess) {

                val database = DataBaseRoom(this)
                val repositoryCart = RepositoryCart(database)
                val factoryRoom = FactoryRoom(repositoryCart)

                viewmodel = ViewModelProvider(ViewModelStoreOwner { ViewModelStore() } , factoryRoom).get(ViewModelRoom::class.java)

                viewmodel.insertcredit(Credit(null , paymentRequest.amount))

                viewmodel.creditall().observe(this, Observer {

                    if (it != null) {
                        textmoney.text = it.credittext.toString()



Thank's for help .

the problem was that i declared the getallcredit method in the wrong place . actually it must be on the on create view to store data .

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