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Why @Transactional and @Rollback don't work?

I'm using Spring boot with Kotlin and database which I use is PostgreSQL. When I wrote the test, I found that @Rollback does not working.


# Database configuration


interface IUserInfoRepository : JpaRepository<UserInfo, UUID> {
    fun findByUserName(name: String): UserInfo?

    fun deleteByUserName(name: String): Int


class UserService(@Autowired val userInfoRepository: IUserInfoRepository) {
    private lateinit var user: User
    fun initService(user: User) {
        this.user = user;

    fun createUser(userName: String, password: ByteArray, nickName: String, isAdmin: Boolean): Boolean {
        if (userInfoRepository.findByUserName(userName) != null) {
            return false
        val hashCodeTable = HashCodeTable(RandomStringUtils.randomAscii(16).toByteArray())
        val hashedPassword = genHashedPassword(password, hashCodeTable.salt1)
        userInfoRepository.save(UserInfo(userName, nickName, hashedPassword, hashCodeTable, isAdmin))
        return true

    fun deleteUser(): Boolean {
        return validateUserAndDo {

    fun findUser(): UserInfo? {
        return userInfoRepository.findByUserName(user.userName)

    fun validateUser(): Boolean {
        return (findUser()?.hashedPassword?.contentEquals(user.password)) ?: false

    fun getLoginSalt(userName: String): ByteArray {
        return userInfoRepository.findByUserName(userName)?.hashCodeTable?.salt1 ?: ByteArray(0)

    fun changePassword(newPassword: ByteArray): Boolean {
        return validateUserAndDo() {
            val oldUser = findUser()!!
            val hashedPassword = genHashedPassword(newPassword, oldUser.hashCodeTable.salt1)
            val newUser = UserInfo(oldUser.userName, oldUser.nickName, hashedPassword, oldUser.hashCodeTable, oldUser.isAdmin, oldUser.subscriptionTable, oldUser.id, oldUser.categoryTables)

    private fun validateUserAndDo(something: () -> Boolean): Boolean {
        if (validateUser()) {
            return something.invoke()
        return false

    fun changeNickName(newNickName: String): Boolean {
        return validateUserAndDo() {
            val oldUser = findUser()!!
            val newUser = UserInfo(oldUser.userName, newNickName, oldUser.hashedPassword, oldUser.hashCodeTable, oldUser.isAdmin, oldUser.subscriptionTable, oldUser.id, oldUser.categoryTables)

    fun changePermission(isAdmin: Boolean): Boolean {
        return validateUserAndDo() {
            val oldUser = findUser()!!
            val newUser = UserInfo(oldUser.userName, oldUser.nickName, oldUser.hashedPassword, oldUser.hashCodeTable, isAdmin, oldUser.subscriptionTable, oldUser.id, oldUser.categoryTables)

    fun isPermission(): Boolean {
        return userInfoRepository.findByUserName(user.userName)?.isAdmin ?: false

    fun deleteAll(): Boolean {
        return true


class UserServiceTest(@Autowired val userService: UserService) {
    private lateinit var userName: String
    private lateinit var password: ByteArray

    fun beforeTest() {
        userName = "test"
        password = "123456".toByteArray()
        userService.createUser(userName, password, "Test", false)
        val user = User(userName, genHashedPassword(password, userService.getLoginSalt(userName)))

    fun `delete user`() {

    fun `get login salt`() {
        Assertions.assertEquals(userService.getLoginSalt(userName).contentEquals(ByteArray(0)), false)

    fun `validate User`() {
        Assertions.assertEquals(userService.validateUser(), true)

With regards @Transactional, the Spring Documentation states :

Annotating a test method with @Transactional causes the test to be run within a transaction that will, by default, be automatically rolled back after completion of the test. If a test class is annotated with @Transactional, each test method within that class hierarchy will be run within a transaction. Test methods that are not annotated with @Transactional (at the class or method level) will not be run within a transaction.

With regards the @Rollback Annotation, the Spring Documentation states:

Indicates whether the transaction for a transactional test method should be rolled back after the test method has completed. If true, the transaction is rolled back; otherwise, the transaction is committed (see also @Commit). Rollback semantics for integration tests in the Spring TestContext Framework default to true even if @Rollback is not explicitly declared.

When declared as a class-level annotation, @Rollback defines the default rollback semantics for all test methods within the test class hierarchy. When declared as a method-level annotation, @Rollback defines rollback semantics for the specific test method, potentially overriding class-level @Rollback or @Commit semantics.

Please Refer To : https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.2.5.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/html/integration-testing.html#testcontext-tx

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