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Hibernate: Query to select values from multiple tables using CriteriaQuery

Let's say, I have a query like

Select a.valA, b.valB
from tableA a join tableB b on a.joinCol = b.joinCol
where a.someCol = 1.

I want to execute it using Hibernate (and Spring Data) in one query to the database. I know, I can write just

Query query = em.createQuery(...);
List<Object[]> resultRows = (List<Object[]>)query.getResultList();

But my question would be - is it possible to do it in a typesafe way, using CriteriaQuery for example? The difficulty is, that, as you see, I need to select values from different tables. Is there some way to do this?

Simple example where an Employee has many to many relation to several jobs that he may have :

CriteriaBuilder builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> criteria = builder.createTupleQuery();
Root<TableA> root = criteria.from(TableA.class);
Path<Long> qId = root.get("id");
Path<String> qTitle = root.get("title");
Join<TableA, TableB> tableTwo = root.join("joinColmn", JoinType.INNER);

criteria.multiselect(qId, qTitle, tableTwo);
List<Tuple> tuples = session.createQuery(criteria).getResultList();
for (Tuple tuple : tuples)
   Long id = tuple.get(qId);
   String title = tuple.get(qTitle);
   TableB tableB= tuple.get(tableTwo);

but saw that there is an alternate answer here : JPA Criteria API - How to add JOIN clause (as general sentence as possible)

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