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Getting error while uploading android app bundle to playstore.. Your app bundle targets unrecognized language jp

I have created signed android app bundle and while uploading it on playstore. I am getting the following error:

Your app bundle targets the following unrecognized languages: jp. The list of supported language codes can be found in the IANA registry. Invalid languages caused by third-party libraries can be excluded using the resConfigs Gradle property. You need to use a different package name beacuse "com.example" is restricted.

I have used resConfigs gradle propoerty in defaultConfig too. I have also changed the package name.

But still getting this error.

I have used ads and firebase dependencies in the project and some third party libraries too.



If you are not supporting Japanese language, than you should not mention in resConfigs. You should only include languages name inside resConfigs which are supported by your app only.

If you are supprting Japanese langauge than code for japanese language is ja or ja_JP (not ja_rJP).

For supporting list of multiple languages, you can check this link.


You said you only used "en", than in gradle why you are using resConfigs "en", "zh-rTW", "zh-rCN", "ja_rJP.

Remove this line and just add resConfigs "en" .

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