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Javascript. How do you make a loop that creates objects, then those objects being pushed into an array?

So I started with importing 4 different arrays with equal amounts of data .

Then I made a class, thinking the class can help me make the objects, with that imported data.

So my thinking was if I loop through that class, it can make an object that contains the data of all 4 arrays by its index, and then push that object into an array.

I was hoping my ending results for objectArray would look like...

[ {nn: "Lion", dat1: 4, dat2: 9, dat3: 10}, {nn: "Zebra", dat1: 5, dat2: 10, dat3: 7}, {nn: "Monkey", dat1: 2, dat2: 6, dat3: 14} ...etc. ]

 // mock const threeToType = { name: ["Lion", "Zebra", "Monkey"], data1: [ 4, 5, 2], data2: [ 9, 10, 6], data3: [ 10, 7, 14], }; const {name, data1, data2, data3} = threeToType; // require('./threeToType'); let objectArray = []; class makeObj{ constructor(nn, dat1, dat2, dat3){ this._nn = nn; this._dat1 = dat1; this._dat2 = dat2; this._dat3 = dat3; } } for(let newObj, i = 0, tN = "", tD1 = 0, tD2 = 0, tD3 = 0; i<name.length; i++){ tN = name[i]; tD1 = data1[i]; tD2 = data2[i]; tD3 = data3[i]; objectArray.push(newObj = new makeObj(tN, tD1, tD2, tD3)); } console.log(objectArray);

Why not just simply:

const {name, data1, data2, data3} = require('./threeToType');
let objectArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
  let newItem = { nn: name[i], tD1: data1[i], tD2: data2[i], td3: data3[i] }

Get your nameArr , data1Arr , data2Arr , and data3Arr from/how you wish - I've used some data for the snippet.

map iterates items in Array ( cv here, unused) with their index ( idx here).
We use that idx to retrieve "parallel" items from all arrays and make an object out of them.
We surroung the object with parentheses ( ( and ) ) because it is returned, and we don't want the browser to think it's code ( return is a function, but we're allowed to omit the parentheses, here - we use them).

 nameArr=["Zebra", "Lion", "Elephant"]; data1Arr=[23, 12, 40]; data2Arr=["Africa", "America", "India"]; data3Arr=[true, false, true]; objArr=nameArr.map((cv, idx)=>({ name:nameArr[idx], data1:data1Arr[idx], data2:data2Arr[idx], data3:data3Arr[idx] })); console.log(objArr);
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

Here's a more generic solution, that assumes your input arrays are basically rows of a table (since they all have the same length), and you want to "flip" or invert them into columns. A two-dimensional array basically.

I'd keep the names of the input arrays out of this algorithm. There's no easy way to get the name of a variable (like "data1" in your snippet) as a string in JS.

You can call this with any number of arrays btw, as long as they all have the same length.

const invertRows = (...rows) => {
    const numRows = rows.length;
    const numColumns = rows[0].length;

    const inverted = new Array(numColumns);
    for (let col=0; col < numColumns; col++) {
        inverted[col] = new Array(numRows);
        for (let row=0; row < numRows; row++) {
            inverted[col][row] = rows[row][col];
    return inverted;

const arr1 = [1,2,3];
const arr2 = [3,4,5];

console.log(invertRows(arr1, arr2));

// Returns: [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 3, 5 ] ]

I'm currently not really sure what you are asking, your current solution does work.

Here is a general purpose solution that transforms the data structure:

// from
const columns = {name: ["John Doe", "Jane Doe"], age: [42, 39]};
// into
const rows = [{name: "John Doe", age: 42}, {name: "Jane Doe", age: 39}];
// and the other way around.

 const threeToType = { name: ["Lion", "Zebra", "Monkey"], data1: [ 4, 5, 2], data2: [ 9, 10, 6], data3: [ 10, 7, 14], }; function columnsToRows(columns) { columns = Object.entries(columns); if (columns.length == 0) return []; const colLengths = columns.map(([,values]) => values.length); const maxColLength = Math.max(...colLengths); return Array.from({length: maxColLength}, (_, i) => { const row = Object.create(null); columns.forEach(([colName, values]) => row[colName] = values[i]); return row; }); } function rowsToColumns(rows) { if (rows.length == 0) return {}; const columns = Object.create(null); const colNames = new Set(rows.flatMap((row) => Object.keys(row))); colNames.forEach((colName) => columns[colName] = []); rows.forEach((row) => { colNames.forEach((colName) => columns[colName].push(row[colName])); }); return columns; } console.log(columnsToRows(threeToType)); console.log(rowsToColumns(columnsToRows(threeToType)));

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