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How can I analyse large size heap dump around of 35-40 GB

I have to analyse java heap dump of size 35-40GB, which can't be loaded on local machine except of remote servers of large memory.

I found Tool for analyzing large Java heap dumps as the best link till now. But after configuring all the things and properly executing all the command lines, I was not able to get any report file.

My ParseHeapDump.sh file looks as

# This script parses a heap dump.
# Usage: ParseHeapDump.sh <path/to/dump.hprof> [report]*
# The leak report has the id org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects
# The top component report has the id org.eclipse.mat.api:top_components
./MemoryAnalyzer -consolelog -application org.eclipse.mat.api.parse "$@" -vmargs -Xms8g -Xmx10g -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit

and MemoryAnalyzer.ini file looks as

java -Xmx8g -Xms10g -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.0.v20180512-1130.jar -consoleLog -consolelog -application org.eclipse.mat.api.parse "$@"

Please tell me If I'm doing any mistake in configuration or suggest me any other tool available in the market.

Processing large heap dump is a challenge. Both VisualVM and Eclipse Memory Analyzer required too much memory to process heap dumps in order of few dozen of GiB.

Commercial profilers show better result (YourKit in particular) though I not sure of their practical limit.

To routinely process 100+ GiB, I came up you with headless solution heaplib , which based on code base from VisualVM (Netbeans actually).

Heaplib is neigther graphical, nor interactive. It is oriented to automated reporting. Tool allows you to write code for heap analysis in OQL/JavaScript (or Java if you wish), though capabilities are limited to accommodate memory requirements. Processing of 100GiB could take hour, but for non interactive workflow it is acceptable.

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