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where to place test-jgroups-jdbc_ping.xml jgroup file in JGroups configuration

In Artemis ActiveMQ Cluster documentation, it is specified that

jgroups-file attribute. This is the name of JGroups configuration file. It will be used to initialize JGroups channels. Make sure the file is in the java resource path so that Apache ActiveMQ Artemis can load it.

I have configured the test-jgroups-file_ping.xml JGroups configuration file, but I don't know where to place that file. What does java resource path reffers to. What is the java resource path location in Linux machine

ActiveMQ Artemis adds at boot the $ARTEMIS_HOME/etc and $ARTEMIS_INSTANCE/etc to be searched for classes and resources after first searching in the parent class loader.

You can move the file defined with the tag jgroups-channel to the $ARTEMIS_INSTANCE/etc path if you are using the ActiveMQ Artemis boot , ie $ARTEMIS_INSTANCE/bin/artemis run .

You can take a look to the ActiveMQ Artemis Clustering with JGroups Example for further details.

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