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Error while building solution Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow - CSC error CS7065: Error building Win32 resources

Got this error while building solution on CI server using VS2019 - 16.7.4

Any idea from where it could come from? It doesn't happen all the time and only one solution. Can workaround by cleaning completely build working folder

CSC error CS7065: Error building Win32 resources : Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow

Just solved this problem on my local build. We update the copyright info during build and our process randomly adds a billion characters to the field value. It's a problem on our end somewhere, but it does reproduce this error.

First of all , please enter VS IDE, Tools --> Options --> Projects and Solutions --> Build and Run --> set MSBuild project build output verbosity to Detailed to get the detailed build log to locate the specific error.

If you use msbuild command line, you can add -v:detailed to get the detailed build log.

Then , try the following steps:

1) check every resource files, right-click on every that file-->Properties-->change its Build Action to Resource or Content`.


2) try to use Configuration Any CPU to build your project.

3) close VS Instance, delete .vs hidden folder, bin and obj folder and then rebuild your project again.

Besides , if the issue still persists, please share more detailed build log and description about the issue so that it will help us troubleshoot the issue quickly.

in my case, there was a weird combination of characters in the AssemblyInfo.cs When I removed all these rubbish and changed that to

[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © HP Inc. 2021")]

It built normal


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