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Python: How to read a CSV file in which each line is a string?

I am trying to read a CSV file. I need to access the keys and values in each line.

"{id:495981,start:""2020-09-23"",end:""2020-09-23"",something:point({srid:4326, x:10.96791704, y:49.7989944})}"
"{id:49963,start:""2020-09-23"",end:""2020-09-23"",something:point({srid:4326, x:10.96791704, y:49.7989944})}"

As shown above, each line is a string. What I want to do is reading the value of id in each line. Reading the file with "panda.read_csv" return something like this:

  {id:495981   end:""2020-09-23""  start:""2020-09-23""  \
    0      {id:49963   end:""2020-09-23""  start:""2020-09-23""  
    something:point({srid:4326         x:7.138        y:51.594})}  
    0      something:point({srid:4326   x:10.96791704    y:49.7989944})}
[31264 rows x 6 columns]

Any suggestions??

You could utilize regex here to pull each result out of the string as splitting would include the extra characters I'm assuming you would want to exclude.

import re

data = {}

with open('mycsvfile.csv', 'r') as file:
    for line in file:
        line_id = re.search('(?<=id:)[0-9]*(?=,)', line).group(0)
        line_data = {'start': re.search('(?<=start:"").*(?="",end)', line).group(0),
                     'end': re.search('(?<=end:"").*(?="",something)', line).group(0),
                     'something': re.search('(?<=something:).*(?=}")', line).group(0),
        data[line_id] = line_data


This will result in a dict with all ids as a key with each key containing another dict with all the values in the string.

{'495981': {'start': '2020-09-23', 'end': '2020-09-23', 'something': 'point({srid:4326, x:10.96791704, y:49.7989944})'}, 
'49963': {'start': '2020-09-23', 'end': '2020-09-23', 'something': 'point({srid:4326, x:10.96791704, y:49.7989944})'}}

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