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String inside the list is not printed. Why?

I am trying to learn python 3.x. Below is a simple program I wrote-

class Movie:
    def __init__(self, movieName,movieTitle,movieHero):
        self.name   =movieName
        self.title  =movieTitle
        self.hero   =movieHero

    def movieDetails(self):
        print (self.name,self.title,self.hero)

detailsOfMovie= []

while True:
    a,b,c = [x for x in input("Enter movie, title, hero").split(",")]


    option = input ("Do you want to print another movie [Yes or No]:")
    if option.lower() == 'no':

for x in detailsOfMovie:

BUT it returns the below result-

Enter movie, title, hero df,df,df
Do you want to print another movie [Yes or No]:no
<__main__.Movie object at 0x00000221EF45FC88>

Process finished with exit code 0

Question Is: Why did it not print the items in the list detailsOfMovie ?

m is an object Movie. Instead of print(x), try:

for x in detailsOfMovie:

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