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How insert data from a room table to another in android?

I have an app that fetch data from an api and after that save it to a RoomDatabase(RoomTable).

I display this data with recyclerview in my main screen .

As I said my products are in a model room Table in the database (RoomTable is the name of this table ) , so How can I insert my product to another table in the roomdatabase in this case (CartTAble) after the add button of each product is clicked ?

I hope could've described clearly this . thank's to you .

Tables :

class RoomTable (
  autoincrement = true
  val id : Int 
  val title : String 

  class CartTAble (
  autoincrement = true
  val id : Int 
  val title : String 



@Insert(replace strategy)
fun insertToCart(model : List<CartTable)

I also have repository and viewmodel but ignore for simplicity .

adapter : 

class Myadapter (myproduct : List<RoomTAble> ) : Recycerlview.Adapter<Myadapter.Viewholder>(){

 val viewmodel : Viewmodelroom()

class Viewholder (view : View ) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(){

    val title =  view.findviewbyid(R.id.sometihng)
    val image = view.finviewbyid(R.id.Someimage)


  override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {

        val layoutview =
            LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.product_items, parent, false)
        return ViewHolder(layoutview)


 override fun getItemCount(): Int = myproduct.size

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {

        val products = myproduct[position]

        holder.title.text = products.title

        holder.btn_add_product.setOnClickListener {


   // in here for insertTocart paramter it need list<CArtTAble> but we have just list of RoomTAble

First, your naming convention is wrong. RoomTable and CartTable are note Tables, they are Models or Entitys.

Second. Just create a CartTable with the data from RoomTable.

val modelCart = CartTable(title = products.title)

You can also simply insert only 1 model too. Simply add.

@Insert(replace strategy)
fun insertCart(model: CartTable)

Then just save it into the DB.

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