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Using python os.walk how to check for directory name and only process those files (recursively) in the specific directory?

I'm using os.walk to run through directory "foo". I want to process .dat files but how to check for a directory name and only process the specific directory?

If dir="bar" then process files.dat. Do not process "notbar". I'm probably missing something simple

       - notbar
       - bar

this finds all .dat files....

    for (root, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(base_path):
        print('Found directory: {0}'.format(root))
        for filename in filenames:
            if filename.endswith(".dat"):

glob is really good for this. It returns all the files that match a certain pattern.

There is a reference for the patterns, but the most useful are:

  • * matches everything except path slashes ( \\ for windows, / for mac / linux)
  • ** matches zero or more directories

In your example, you want to find the .dat ( *.dat ) files in any sub-directory ( * ) of a sub-directory ( bar ) inside a base path base_path . To get these files we can write

from glob import glob

filenames = glob(base_path + "\\bar\\*\\*.dat")

It is better to use os.path.join for cross-platform:

from glob import glob

filenames = glob(os.path.join(base_path, "bar", "*", "*.dat"))

Check out the results here

If bar is not necessarily the immediate sub-directory of base_path, but nested further down, you could use ** :

from glob import glob

filenames = glob(os.path.join(base_path, "**", "bar", "*", "*.dat"))

Finally, glob will not necessarily return the files in any order. To get them in alphabetical order use sorted(filenames) . To get them in modified order use sorted(filenames, key=os.path.getmtime) as per this answer .

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