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Why does my java project still work even though its missing some packages?

I am working on a Dubbo project and when I digging a little deep into its source code. I found these code in Dubbo 's source code:


I think this shows that my project missing the org.jboss.* package (IDEA has mark these packages in red)

But somehow this project still working, doesn't it supposed to not working due to it has some package missing?

By the way my project is organized by gradle and the build.gradle is like this:

        implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter'
        testImplementation('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test') {
            exclude group: 'org.junit.vintage', module: 'junit-vintage-engine'
        compile group: 'org.apache.dubbo', name: 'dubbo-spring-boot-starter', version: '2.7.8'
        compile group: 'org.apache.zookeeper', name: 'zookeeper', version: '3.6.2'
        compile group: 'org.apache.curator', name: 'curator-framework', version: '5.1.0'

If this wouldn't be some library's de-compiled byte-code but your application's source code, this would rather be an issue. And it's not missing anything, but Gradle will pull in org.jboss.netty on demand, which will then pull in another 8 libraries, which may evetually even pull in further libraries.

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