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How to implement it using Multi threading in python?

I am new to python and I want to understand how I can perform this operation using multi threading as the data is too large this operation is taking lot of time.

I have around 2500+ columns in spark dataframe df_my

for x in df_my.columns:
    null_cnt= df_my.filter(df_my[x].isNotNull()).count()
    zero_cnt= df_my.filter(df_my[x]==0).count()
    fill_percent= str(((null_cnt)/total)*100)
    zero_percent= str(((zero_cnt)/null_cnt)*100)
    d.append({'Feature_name' : x,
              'Fillrate': fill_percent,
              'zero_percent':zero_percent })

Can anyone please help me in doing this using multi threading?

you can use .parallel_apply function from pandarallel to do multiprocessing. Take a look at this link

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