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JNA Callback function with void * argument

What is the correct way to map a callback function that has void* as an argument?

I am working with native library (.dll) using JNA. Library defines the following callback function:

typedef void (__stdcall *NotifyFunc)(int code, void *value); .

Here is how it is mapped in java:

public static NatLib.NotifyFunc notifyFunction = new MyNotifyFuncImpl();

public static void main(String[] args) {


public interface NatLib extends Library {

    NatLib INSTANCE = Native.load("Nat.dll", NatLib.class);


    void SetCallbackFunc(NotifyFunc func);

    interface NotifyFunc extends Callback {
        void MyNotifyFunc(int code, Pointer value);

public static class MyNotifyFuncImpl implements NatLib.NotifyFunc {

    public void MyNotifyFunc(int code, Pointer value) {
        System.out.println("Notification: " + Integer.toHexString(code));

I set the callback function. However problems start at runtime. Callback function is executed only once, and then java application fails with non-zero exit value -1073740791. hs_err_pid* log file is not generated.

Is there something wrong with the mapping? I could not find examples for mappings with void* as parameter. Generally void* is mapped as Pointer, is it different when it is used as a parameter? Do I need to free memory after each callback? I tried to do Native.free(Pointer.nativeValue(value)); inside callback, but this didn't solve the problem.

PS I did read JNA - callback method with void* arguments stackoverflow question, but it doesn't seem to be my case. I declared callback as static member public static NatLib.NotifyFunc notifyFunction = new MyNotifyFuncImpl(); - this should keep the reference to callback function unchanged and not garbage collected during runtime.

The problem is that you can not use Callback , if it is a __stdcall function. In this case you need to implement StdCallLibrary.StdCallCallback . So your code should be like this:

interface NotifyFunc extends StdCallLibrary.StdCallCallback{
    void MyNotifyFunc(int code, Pointer value);

The reason behind this is that __stdcall is used to call functions of the Win32 API. And if you only use Callback Jna does not know it has to use these.

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