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No ssh Connection to Google Cloud Instance

I cannot connect to my GCP VM through ssh. It is not working either through terminal (which gives a timeout error) or through the browser (eternally loading)

With nmap, I found out that there is no ssh service provided on the external IP address of the machine

Host is up (0.076s latency).
Not shown: 998 filtered ports
80/tcp  closed http
443/tcp closed https

However, I do have the default-allow-ssh rule in my firewall. My question is what I should do now to have this ssh access. Thanks in advance!

You can find in the official documentation :

Troubleshooting SSH

Test connectivity: Check your firewall rules, Test the network connection, Connect as a different user,

Debug the issue in the serial console

Inspect the VM instance without shutting it down

Use a startup script

Use your disk on a new instance

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