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How to convert CIDR to network and IP address range in C#?

I have been looking around quite a bit to find some C# code to convert a network in CIDR notation ( to an IP address range, without much luck. There are some threads about CIDR on stackoverlow, but none seems to have any C# code and cover exactly what I need. So I decided to cook it myself, and I did not want the code to rely on System.Net for any conversions in this version.

Perhaps it may be of help to someone.


What's the best way to convert from network bitcount to netmask?

"Whatmask" C code from http://www.laffeycomputer.com/whatmask.html


uint startIP, endIP;  
Network2IpRange("", out startIP, out endIP); 

The code assumes 32 bits for everything.

static void Network2IpRange(string sNetwork, out uint startIP, out uint endIP)
    uint ip,        /* ip address */
        mask,       /* subnet mask */               
        broadcast,  /* Broadcast address */
        network;    /* Network address */

    int bits;               

    string[] elements = sNetwork.Split(new Char[] { '/' });         

    ip = IP2Int(elements[0]);
    bits = Convert.ToInt32(elements[1]);

    mask = ~(0xffffffff >> bits);

    network = ip & mask;
    broadcast = network + ~mask;

    usableIps = (bits >30)?0:(broadcast - network - 1); 

    if (usableIps <= 0)
        startIP = endIP = 0; 
        startIP = network + 1;              
        endIP = broadcast - 1;

public static uint IP2Int(string IPNumber)
    uint ip = 0;
    string[] elements = IPNumber.Split(new Char[] { '.' });
    if (elements.Length==4)
        ip  = Convert.ToUInt32(elements[0])<<24;
        ip += Convert.ToUInt32(elements[1])<<16;
        ip += Convert.ToUInt32(elements[2])<<8;
        ip += Convert.ToUInt32(elements[3]);
    return ip;

Feel free to submit your improvements.

I recommend to use the C# IPNetwork class from Github .

string net = "";
IPNetwork ipnetwork = IPNetwork.Parse(net);

Console.WriteLine("Network : {0}", ipnetwork.Network);
Console.WriteLine("Netmask : {0}", ipnetwork.Netmask);
Console.WriteLine("Broadcast : {0}", ipnetwork.Broadcast);
Console.WriteLine("FirstUsable : {0}", ipnetwork.FirstUsable);
Console.WriteLine("LastUsable : {0}", ipnetwork.LastUsable);
Console.WriteLine("Usable : {0}", ipnetwork.Usable);
Console.WriteLine("Cidr : {0}", ipnetwork.Cidr);

It will ouput

Network :
Netmask :
Broadcast :
FirstUsable :
LastUsable :
Usable : 254 
Cidr : 24

Have fun.

Here is how you do it for your example ,

Let Network be
Mask is ~((1 << (32-24)) - 1) // or
Mask is ~(0xFFFFFFFF >> 24)

  • which is 0xFFFFFF00

is -- (Network & Mask) ; 是 - (Network & Mask) ;

  • which is & 0xFFFFFF00

is -- ((Network & Mask) | ~Mask) ; 是 - ((Network & Mask) | ~Mask) ;

  • which is ( & 0xFFFFFF00) | 0x000000FF ( & 0xFFFFFF00) | 0x000000FF

This will be -- .

The steps would go like this for a network/maskBits ,

You compute the mask in one of these two ways,

mask = ~((1 << (32 - maskBits)) - 1) // or,
mask = ~(0xFFFFFFFF >> maskBits)

then the range is,

StartIP = network 
EndIP   = network | ~mask

More precisely,

StartIP = network & mask
EndIP   = (network & mask) | ~mask


  • << is bitwise left shift (without rollover)
  • & is bitwise AND,
  • | is bitwise OR, and
  • ~ is bitwise INVERT.

Here's how to convert CIDR notation to a range in T-SQL, from my blog post :

First pre-create this function in SQL Server (from http://www.stardeveloper.com ).

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ConvertIPToLong](@IP varchar(15))
RETURNS bigint
    DECLARE @Long bigint
    SET @Long = CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@IP, 4)) * 256 * 256 * 256 +
        CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@IP, 3)) * 256 * 256 +
        CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@IP, 2)) * 256 +
        CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@IP, 1))

    RETURN (@Long)

This is a sample of T-SQL code I put together that will calculate the low and high IP ranges from a CIDR address. It's messy and I had to work around T-SQL's lack of bit shift operators.

Declare @CidrIP varchar(50)
Set @CidrIP = ''

Select dbo.[ConvertIPToLong](left(@CidrIP, patindex('%/%' , @CidrIP) - 1)) & (cast(4294967295 as bigint) ^ (Power(2, 32 - Cast(substring(@CidrIP, patindex('%/%' , @CidrIP) + 1, 2) as int)) - 1)) as LowRange,
       dbo.[ConvertIPToLong](left(@CidrIP, patindex('%/%' , @CidrIP) - 1)) & (cast(4294967295 as bigint) ^ (Power(2, 32 - Cast(substring(@CidrIP, patindex('%/%' , @CidrIP) + 1, 2) as int)) - 1)) + (Power(2, 32 - Cast(substring(@CidrIP, patindex('%/%' , @CidrIP) + 1, 2) as int)) - 1)

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