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How to compare IP address range in C#?

If I have an IP address range (CIDR notation) and I need to know if some arbitrary IP address is within that range -- both presented as strings -- what is the easiest way to do this with C#?


  • IPv4 Range: , IP to check:
  • IPv6 Range: fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:8329/24 , IP to check: 2001:db8::

Here's a simple class:

public class IPSubnet
    private readonly byte[] _address;
    private readonly int _prefixLength;

    public IPSubnet(string value)
        if (value == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("value");

        string[] parts = value.Split('/');
        if (parts.Length != 2)
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CIDR notation.", "value");

        _address = IPAddress.Parse(parts[0]).GetAddressBytes();
        _prefixLength = Convert.ToInt32(parts[1], 10);

    public bool Contains(string address)
        return this.Contains(IPAddress.Parse(address).GetAddressBytes());

    public bool Contains(byte[] address)
        if (address == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("address");

        if (address.Length != _address.Length)
            return false; // IPv4/IPv6 mismatch

        int index = 0;
        int bits = _prefixLength;

        for (; bits >= 8; bits -= 8)
            if (address[index] != _address[index])
                return false;

        if (bits > 0)
            int mask = (byte)~(255 >> bits);
            if ((address[index] & mask) != (_address[index] & mask))
                return false;

        return true;

Sample usage:

Console.WriteLine(new IPSubnet("").Contains("")); // True
Console.WriteLine(new IPSubnet("fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:8329/24").Contains("2001:db8::")); // False

This class treats all IPv4 addresses as distinct from all IPv6 addresses, making no attempt to translate between IPv4 and IPv6.

I would recommend the use of IPNetwork Library https://github.com/lduchosal/ipnetwork . As of version 2, it supports IPv4 and IPv6 as well.


  IPNetwork ipnetwork = IPNetwork.Parse("fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:8329/24");

  IPAddress ipaddress = IPAddress.Parse("2001:db8::");
  IPAddress ipaddress2 = IPAddress.Parse("fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:1");

  bool contains1 = IPNetwork.Contains(ipnetwork, ipaddress);
  bool contains2 = IPNetwork.Contains(ipnetwork, ipaddress2);

  Console.WriteLine("{0} contains {1} : {2}", ipnetwork, ipaddress,     contains1);
  Console.WriteLine("{0} contains {1} : {2}", ipnetwork, ipaddress2,     contains2);


   fe80::/24 contains 2001:db8:: : False
   fe80::/24 contains fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:1 : True


  IPNetwork ipnetwork = IPNetwork.Parse("");

  IPAddress ipaddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
  IPAddress ipaddress2 = IPAddress.Parse("");

  bool contains1 = IPNetwork.Contains(ipnetwork, ipaddress);
  bool contains2 = IPNetwork.Contains(ipnetwork, ipaddress2);

  Console.WriteLine("{0} contains {1} : {2}", ipnetwork, ipaddress, contains1);
  Console.WriteLine("{0} contains {1} : {2}", ipnetwork, ipaddress2, contains2);

Output contains : True contains : False

Have fun !

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