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How do I display an error message, then redisplay the limerick?

Part of a program I am writing contains a function, in which the user guesses a word. If the word is correct, the function goes fine. If the word is incorrect, I do not know how to display something like "that's wrong try again", then redisplay the limerick.

Here is the function:

void guessLimerick()
    cout << "\nTime for a limerick guessing game!\nRead the following limerick, and type what you think the final word is,\nin all lowercase letters, followed by a period.\n\n";

    string final_word;
    cout << "\nIn pizza tech, changes abound.\nThe progress they serve is profound.\nI'd say it's a miracle to make the box spherical,\na box that is totally ";
    cin >> final_word;
    while (final_word != "round.");

    if (final_word == "round.")
        cout << "\nThat's right!\nHave a great day!\n";


You can write your loop condition like this:

    cout << "\nIn pizza tech, changes abound.\nThe progress they serve is profound.\nI'd say it's a miracle to make the box spherical,\na box that is totally ";
    cin >> final_word;
} while (final_word != "round." && cout << "try again\n");

I would rewrite it in this more expanded way, I think compressing code in few lines decreases readability:

bool correct = false;
while (not correct)
    std::cout << "...";

    std::string finalWord;
    std::cin >> finalWord;

    bool correct = finalWord == "round";    
    if (not correct)
        std::cout << "Try again\n";

This way you can add more easily an alternative answer to go out of the while loop, like "quit".

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