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Kolla-ansible too many open files

I am having an issue with a relatively small openstack cluster deployed with kolla-ansible. The issue is that after a few days the controllers stop working. When I go into the docker container logs, I see in all of them that there are Too Many Open Files. I have tried changing limits.conf sysctl max files for processes and user. After all of that, the issue still shows up.

One interesting thing is that this was not happening until I had to reboot all of the controllers. I rebooted them because I needed to increase the amount of ram that they have after they died swapping. My first thought was that kolla-ansible is setting a configuration after running deploy, but I can't seem to find any point in the repo when kolla-ansible is changing ulimits or other.

Any theories what could cause this? Would it be related to increasing ram? Should I run reconfigure/deploy on each controller? I've tried looking in kolla-ansible's docs and forums and couldn't see where anyone else was having this issue.

Update this hasn't been fixed yet: I submitted a bug report, https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla-ansible/+bug/1901898

I don't know your used versions of Kolla-Ansible and your Linux, but your problem seems really related to this one:

On Ubuntu 16.04, please uninstall lxd and lxc packages. (An issue exists with cgroup mounts, mounts exponentially increasing when restarting container) On Ubuntu 16.04, please uninstall lxd and lxc packages. (An issue exists with cgroup mounts, mounts exponentially increasing when restarting container) (source: docs.openstack.org/kolla-ansible/4.0.0/quickstart.html)

I had this problem with the exponentially growing number of mount-pointers after the restart of my docker-containers too. My single-node test-deployment had become very slow based on this problem, but I can't remember at the moment, that I would had the same error with too many open files.

You can delete the packages with apt-get remove lxc-common lxcfs lxd lxd-client . I had done this fix together with a complete reinstallation of the kolla-ansible installation, so I don't know, if this also helps with an already existing installation. You should also use docker-ce instead of the docker from the apt-repos.

This was fixed with a workaround in bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystonemiddleware/+bug/1883659 problem was neutron server was keeping memcached connections open and not closing them until the memcached container reached too many files open. There is a work around mentioned in the bug link.

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