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Select User id from one table and update in another table

I have two table called tbl_users and tbl_img_status . I have column in tbl_img_status like below

id, user_id,status_text, scd_time,status,post_time

I am looking for run cron using PHP for publish post on time. So I have query like below

$results = mysqli_query($mysqli,"UPDATE tbl_img_status SET post_time=NOW(),status=1 WHERE status=0 AND scd_time<NOW()");

Now My issue is I also need to update tbl_users column called total_post. I want increase 1 in total_post of that user id which we have published with first query. I am new in PHP and MYSQL so not getting proper idea for do it. Let me know if someone can help me for it.

You can use one query to update two tables. Try this query if that works. I have got a hint from this. MySQL, update multiple tables with one query

UPDATE tbl_users, tbl_img_status 
SET tbl_img_status.post_time=NOW(),
    tbl_users.total_post = tbl_users.total_post+1
    tbl_users.id= tbl_img_status.user_id
    AND tbl_img_status.status=0 AND tbl_img_status.scd_time<NOW()

You can use Triggers for that purpose.

This would update for a specific user if the status changed from 0 to 1


CREATE TRIGGER after_tbl_img_status_update
ON tbl_img_status  FOR EACH ROW
    IF OLD.status <> NEW.status AND NEW.status = 1 THEN
        UPDATE tbl_users  SET total_post  = total_post +1 WHERE id = NEW.user_id;
    END IF;


IF you don't want to change the Database, you can use a INNER JOIN with And update both table as one.

Your php will then look like:

$results = mysqli_query($mysqli,"UPDATE tbl_users tu INNER JOIN  tbl_img_status  tis ON tu.id = tis.user_id SET tis.post_time=NOW(), tis.status=1, tu.total_post = tu.total_post+1 WHERE tis.status=0 AND tis.scd_time<NOW();");

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