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Can a generic type parameter in a Blazor component be constrained?

In a Blazor component, you can create a generic parameter for use in a method just as you can in a typical C# class. To do this, the syntax is:

@typeparam T

But I would like to know how to constrain it as you can in a C# class. Something like

// pseudocode
@typeparam T : ICloneable 

For instance, I had the need to create the following component that allows a developer to pass a "Model" of generic type:


@typeparam modelType

<EditForm Model="@Model" 

@code {

    public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }

    public modelType Model { get; set; } // here is the use of the generic

    public EventCallback<EditContext> OnValidSubmit { get; set; }

    void demo () {
        var cloned = Model.Clone();


But at .Clone() I get the following error:

'modelType' does not contain a definition for 'Clone' ...

'.../GESD.Blazor/Shared/GesdTrForm.razor' creates a partial class called 'GesdTrForm' under the namespace 'GESD.Blazor.Shared'. Because it's a partial class, you can create a .cs file, delare the class as partial, and put the constraint in there.


using System;

namespace GESD.Blazor.Shared {

    public partial class GesdTrForm<modelType> where modelType : ICloneable {}


For future searchers, I have just found that this feature is available in .NET 6.

Usage looks like:

@typeparam T where T : IMyInterface

If the generic type cannot be determined by the compiler then it can be specified explicitly:

<MyComponent T=MyType>

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