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How to show nested elements using react

I am working on creating dynamic elements, when User clicks on add I am creating another set of elements.

once I am creating the elements I have one select option there so on selection of particular options I am creating one more field.

I have first name and select age two elements, there I have age as >18 and <=18 so on this basis I am creating one more field.

Here when I am creating one more field I am facing issue.

What I am doing

  • I am looping my elements

  • then for new element which I going to be created on selection I am doing conditional rendering

    {onChangeAge && indexVal === index && (

So What I am doing is when onChange of select I am checking the value if it is >18 then setting state to that value and showing the new input field,

  • But it is not working as expected, When I am selecting >18 in first set of element and selecting <=18 in second then it is again setting as false.
  • That is due to indexVal === index I don't know how to handle that


The issue is when I am selecting age <=18 the I am showing one input field, the I created one more element set and there if I am again selecting <=18 then the Input field I have created in first component is not showing up.

This is my code sandbox link In my code sand box I have working code, please do check

I would suggest either keep track of age input by updating existing inputHolder or track via separate state. It would be like this:

Update onChange age

const onChangeAge = (e, ind) => {
    let val = e.target.value;
    console.log(typeof ind, ind, typeof val);
    let inputHolderCopy = [...inputHolder];
    inputHolderCopy = inputHolderCopy.map((data) => {
      if (data.id === ind + 1) {
        return { ...data, currentSelectedAge: val };
      return data;

    if (val === "<=18 ") {
    } else {

Now simply check here:

{onChangeAge && li.currentSelectedAge === "<=18" && (
                  ref={register({ required: "ID is required" })}

                <label htmlFor="idCred">Name</label>

here is the demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/proud-river-5bg7o?file=/src/App.js:2093-2527

Note: This is just one approach. You can do other way also. Like creating variable in inputHolder and keep track its value.

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