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Symfony Finder: Get all the files with a specific extension and all the directories within a specific directory

I am using the Symfony Finder to get all the files with a certain extension and all the directories in a specific directory.

    protected function getDirectoryContent(string $directory): array
        $finder = Finder::create()
            ->name(['*.json', '*.php'])

        return iterator_to_array($finder, true);

In this way, this method returns only all the files with extension .php or .json within a certain directory. For example, the directory structure I am looking in is the following:

├── A
├── A.JSON
├── anotherfile.kas
├── file0.ds
├── file1.json
├── file2.php
├── file3.php
├── B
└── C

A , B and C are directories.

When I pass the above directory path as the $directory argument in the method I showed above, I get an array with the following elements:


Great!, but my question is, how could I also add all the directories to the resulting array? My expectations are to get an array like the following:


In you case, you speak to finder:

  • Please add recursive directory iterator with depth 0 (it's OK, we want to search only in root)
  • Please add file name iterator (it's wrong, because you find only files ).

As result it's wrong, because these two rules contradict each other - because you want search only files.

But, symfony finder can use CallbackIterator with filter model. In this situation you can add many rules or condition. In you example:

namespace Acme;

use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo;

include __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$finder = Finder::create();

    ->filter(static function (SplFileInfo $file) {
        return $file->isDir() || \preg_match('/\.(php|json)$/', $file->getPathname());


In this case, you speak:

  • Please find only in root.
  • Please check - or file or match by my pattern.

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