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Save multiple docker images using one command

Currently I am exporting docker images using below command

docker save imageName | gzip > imageName.tar.gz

docker save mysql | gzip > mysql.tar.gz

This command working fine for single image, i have tons of docker images in my local system, want to export. but i don't know how to export all images which is available in docker images .

Please guide me how can i archive this by single command. which will save all images in current directory respectively ImageNames

docker save imageName1:tag1 imageName2:tag2 ... imageNameN:tagN | gzip > images.tar.gz

if you need to get all images, you might use something like this (but it might be getting a little too much, so be careful):

docker save $( \
    docker images \
        --format '{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}' \
        --filter "dangling=false" \
    | grep -v image_that_i_dont_want ) \
| gzip > images.tar.gz


in the event you need to save all images on a system in separate files:

for img in $( docker images --format '{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}' --filter "dangling=false" ) ; do
    docker save "$img" | gzip > "${base//:/__}".tar.gz

Try this script, these two scripts will help you save and load docker images, If you have too many images, I think these scripts will help you. Script to save docker images is:

#files will be saved in the dir 'Docker_images'
mkdir Docker_images
cd Docker_images
#save the image names in 'list.txt'
doc= docker images | awk '{print $1}' > list.txt
printf "START \n"
#Check and create the image tar for the docker images
while IFS= read -r line
     one=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
     two=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}' | cut -c 1-3`
     if [ "$one" != "<none>" ]; then
             printf "\n $one \n $two \n"
             docker save -o $two$c'.tar' $one
             printf "Docker image number $c successfully converted:   $two$c \n \n"
done < "$input"

Script to load docker images is:


cd Docker_images/
ls | grep tar > files.txt
printf "START \n"
while IFS= read -r line
     printf "$c) $line \n"
     docker load -i $line
     printf "$c) Successfully created the Docker image $line  \n \n"
done < "$input"

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