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VScode cant find Definitions of non-builtin modules

I am starting to use VScode for developing Python, but I am having some trouble getting some things to works, most importantly I would like to be able to see definitions of functions. This should work by just hovering on the function (which does work for built-ins, like round()), but does not for imported modules, see the following screenshot: Defintion cant be loaded. For the module itself, I get information when hovering over its name: Description is shown.

It should be noted that I am using a Conda environment, which is noted in my settings.json:

"python.pythonPath": "/home/philip/miniconda3/envs/CV1/bin/python"

"Go to definition" on the function in question yields: "No defintion found for "arange"". The problem persists both in WSL and Windows 10, with different conda envs. Is there anything I need to put into my settings I am missing?

the method numpy.arange is defined in a binary file numpy/core/multiarray and its doc is generated in numpy/add_newdocs.py (line ~1321).

It is a known function because it is defined in an __all__ list in numpy/core/numeric.py

Because there is no def arange() Intellisense has no clue what the arguments are.

If you try with a different function defined in numpy/core/numeric.py like ones you get Intellisense on parameters.

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