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c++ crosswise covariant: return type differs due to incomplete type

I am experimenting with covariance and came up with the following example that does at least not compile with clang 11 and on VS2015:

class Number {
    virtual ~Number () = default;
    virtual Number const * increment()const = 0;

class Even;

class Odd : public Number {
    // error: increment() is not covariant because Even is incomplete
    Even const * increment()const; 

class Even : public Number {
    Odd const * increment()const;

It is related to Covariant return types, const-ness, and incomplete classes but not a duplicate because the constness is the same in both overwritten functions.

Is that even supported by the standard?

Is there a way to get around this problem or any suggestions to achieve a similar behavior?

While there may be workaround for what you're trying to achieve, the shown code is invalid.

According to class.virtual#9 :

If the class type in the covariant return type of D​::​f differs from that of B​::​f, the class type in the return type of D​::​f shall be complete at the point of declaration of D​::​f or shall be the class type D. ...

There's an example for this rule in the linked text.

In your case, since the return type of Odd::increment is not Number , and Even is incomplete at the point of declaring Odd::increment , the code is ill-formed.

I found the answer in this incorrect, and hence deleted answer written by @Brian in response to the question you've linked to.

You can achieve a similar thing with a non-virtual interface (though it has more lines and seems easier to mess up):

class Number {
    virtual ~Number() = default;
    Number const * increment() const { return do_increment(); }
    virtual Number const * do_increment() const = 0;

class Even;

class Odd : public Number {
    Even const * increment() const;
    Number const * do_increment() const override;

class Even : public Number {
    Odd const * increment() const { return do_increment(); }
    Odd const * do_increment() const override;

inline Even const * Odd::increment() const {
    return static_cast<Even const *>(do_increment());

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