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Loading data from a Microsoft SQL Server view using ASP.NET Core 3.1 and EF Core

I am loading data from my controller into a html table (view) - approx. 4000 records

public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
      var assignments = await _context.myData.ToListAsync();
      return View(myData);

I then select a record and view the details. All good at this point. I then go back to the index view to look at another record and all the data loads again.

This is not ideal as I have to wait for all the data to load each time before I can view the details of another record. I am wondering how to deal with this. Ideally the table of data will be cached for a period of time before reloading.

Any advice is much appreciated.


You have a different style of caching that you could use in your case, below two ways that I could recommend for you:

  • you can apply a cache for your action using ResponseCache so your can minimize server processing for requests
  • you can cache your assignment oject, here is an example how to do it

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