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How to write a stored procedure in which the parameters are a list of strings [ SQL Server, ASP.NET Core 3.1 ]

I am creating a website where users can filter the data by brand, storage, price, etc. I want to use a stored procedure to get the data. The problem is that I don't know how to make a stored procedure that accepts a list of strings as parameters.

    private readonly contextItem _context;

    public ItemsController(contextItem context)
        _context = context;

    // GET: api/Items
    public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Item>>> GetItem(
        string samsung, string iphone, string lg, string _32gb, string _64gb,string _128gb,
        string max, string min)
        List<string> brands = new List<string>(), storage = new List<string>();
        string price_min = null, price_max = null;

        // brands
        if (samsung != null) { brands.Add("samsung"); }
        if (iphone != null) { brands.Add("iphone"); }
        if (lg != null) { brands.Add("lg"); }

        // storage
        if (_32gb != null) { storage.Add("32gb"); }
        if (_64gb != null) { storage.Add("64gb"); }
        if (_128gb != null) { storage.Add("128gb"); }

        // price
        price_max = max != null ? max : "";
        price_min = min != null ? min : "";

        string query = $"EXEC SP_Filter @brand ='{string.Join(",", brands)}',@storage='{string.Join(",", storage)}'," +

        return await _context.Item.FromSqlRaw(query).ToListAsync();

您可以将数据作为 JSON 或 XML 发送,甚至可以使用分隔符连接值并将其从存储过程中拆分出来。


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