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How to deserialize JSON Array to Apache beam PCollection<javaObject>

I have data like

[{"ProjectId":1476401625,"ProjectName":"This is project name","ProjectPostcode":4178},{"ProjectId":2343,"ProjectName":"This is project 2 name","ProjectPostcode":5323}]

I need to to deserialize it to Java object and I use this code:

PCollection<Project> deserialisedProjectObject = projectFile.apply("Deserialize Projects", ParseJsons.of(Project.class))

but I always got error

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline$PipelineExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to parse a com.lendlease.dp.entity.Project from JSON value: [{"ProjectId":1476401625,"ProjectName":"This is project name","ProjectPostcode":4178},{"ProjectId":2343,"ProjectName":"This is project 2 name","ProjectPostcode":5323}]

If I change the code to become:

PCollection<Project[]> deserialisedProjectObject = projectFile.apply("Deserialize Projects", ParseJsons.of(Project[].class))

The runner able to deserialize it but I need this line to return a collection of Project; not collection of Project array

You are starting with a Project[] object, so the parse is correct. To extract the Project objects from that object, just apply a FlatMap transform after the ParseJson, outputting the elements within the Array.

As well as ParseJson you may want to look at:


The output of this is a Row object which you can use as a schema which provide a lot of nice functionality, see using schemas . If you need a an actual POJO within the pipeline as well as the Row object you can make use of Convert.fromRow to turn it into a Pojo object.

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