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springboot yml map property how to ref bean

I want to inject a map in yml file like that ;

    51L: anhuiAbcIdentifyRule

my config class like that

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "abc-identify")
public class AbcIdentifyConfig {

    private Map<Long, IdentifyRule> test;

anhuiAbcIdentifyRule is a existing bean in container

public class AnhuiAbcIdentifyRule implements IdentifyRule 

I tried above setting which not work,how can I resolve this?

Spring does not support this type of string to bean conversion yet. Your code need to be changed to

private Map<Long, String> test;

If you want to get bean by rule from properties, there is a workaround.

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "abc-identify")
public class AbcProperties {
    private Map<Long, String> test;

    private Map<String, IdentifyRule> identifyRuleMap;

    public IdentifyRule getRule(Long rule){
        String beanName = test.get(rule);
        if(beanName != null){
            return identifyRuleMap.get(beanName);
        return null;

Here Map<String, IdentifyRule> identifyRuleMap will contain all beans of IdentityRule with keys as beanName and values as bean .

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