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overwriting cells from one pandas dataframe to another based on row values

I have two data sets (blank and filled) as shown below, and I neet to copy information from filled into blank ,

| Student name  | Student number    | Mark      | Grade     | Marked by     | Notes     |
|-------------- |----------------   |--------   |--------   |-----------    |--------   |
| John          |16                 | NaN       | NaN       | NaN           | NaN   |
| Mary          |19                 | NaN       | NaN       | NaN           | NaN   |
| Colm          |17                 | NaN       | NaN       | NaN           | NaN   |
| Ellen         |20                 | NaN       | NaN       | NaN           | NaN   |
| Fionna        |21                 | NaN       | NaN       | NaN           | NaN   |


| Student name  | Student number    | Mark  | Grade     | Marked by     | Notes                 |
|-------------- |----------------   |------ |-------    |-----------    |--------------------   |
| Tara          | 31                | 71    | B1        | JL            |        Good           |
| Leah          | 40                | 54    | C2        | CL            | Needs more dragons    |
| john          | 16                | 53    | C2        | MG            |        Good           |
| Aisling       | 200               | 60    | B3        | MOB           |    keep working       |
| Adam          | 88                | 74    | B1        | KOM           |  don't forget apa     |

blank is my main document with the order I want to maintain, filled contains the grades and other info filled in for each student but it is not in the same order as df1.

I need to copy the columns 'Mark','Grade','Marked by' and 'Notes' from df2 to df1 keeping the index for df1 intact, and copying the right information for each student.

My first thought was to use the student number as the index of both data frames (I'm guessing those are unique numbers) and then just copying like this:

blank.set_index('student number')
filled.set_index('student number')

list = ['Mark', 'Grade', 'Marked by', 'Notes'] 
blank[list] = filled[list]

...not sure if this would work for you though...

EDIT: Created the filled and blank dfs as exactly provided in the question since a key error was mentioned in the comment on my earlier code.


blank= pd.DataFrame({'Student name' : ['John','Mary','Colm','Ellen','Fionna'], "Student number": [16,19,17,20,21], 'Mark' : [np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN],'Grade' : [np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN], 'Marked by' : [np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN], 'Notes' : [np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN,np.NaN]})
filled= pd.DataFrame({'Student name' : ['Tara','Leah','john','Aisling','Adam'], "Student number": [31,40,16,200,88], 'Mark' : [71,54,53,60,74],'Grade' : ['B1','C2','C2','B3','B1'], 'Marked by' : ['JL','CL','MG','MOB','KOM'], 'Notes' : ['Good','Needs more dragons','Good','keep working','dont forget apa']})


  Student name  Student number  Mark Grade Marked by Notes
0         John              16  53.0    C2        MG  Good
1         Mary              19   NaN   NaN       NaN   NaN
2         Colm              17   NaN   NaN       NaN   NaN
3        Ellen              20   NaN   NaN       NaN   NaN
4       Fionna              21   NaN   NaN       NaN   NaN


  Student name  Student number  Mark Grade Marked by               Notes
0         Tara              31    71    B1        JL                Good
1         Leah              40    54    C2        CL  Needs more dragons
2         john              16    53    C2        MG                Good
3      Aisling             200    60    B3       MOB        keep working
4         Adam              88    74    B1       KOM     dont forget apa

Assuming that 'student number' is common key for both data frames. Code below:

blank[['Mark','Grade','Marked by','Notes']] = blank.merge(filled,on='Student number')[['Mark_y', 'Grade_y','Marked by_y','Notes_y']]


  Student name  Student number  Mark Grade Marked by Notes
0         John              16  53.0    C2        MG  Good
1         Mary              19   NaN   NaN       NaN   NaN
2         Colm              17   NaN   NaN       NaN   NaN
3        Ellen              20   NaN   NaN       NaN   NaN
4       Fionna              21   NaN   NaN       NaN   NaN

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