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Spring Boot import additional extensionless properties

I'm running my Spring Boot application with Kubernetes. Part of the architecture involves mounting secrets as file volumes under /opt/config .

$ ls -l

Each file contains a .properties like syntax. ( key=value )

I've been attemtping to make Spring Boot load these as per the documentation spring.config.import=file:/etc/config/myconfig[.yaml]

However I just can't get this to work, my full command is: java -Dspring.config.location=file:./opt/application.properties -Dspring.config.additional-location=file:./opt/config/*[.properties] -jar target/test.war --debug --server.port=8080

The ./opt/application.properties file is loaded correctly.

I have also attempted to rename all the files to include .properties :

$ ls -l

And load it via java -Dspring.config.location=file:./opt/application.properties -Dspring.config.import=file:./opt/config/*/ -jar target/test.war --debug --server.port=8080 , however this also did not import any of the properties under ./opt/config .

I've read through the documentation dozens of times now, and this should be working, but it's not. Did I miss something obvious? Why is it not loading any of the files under ./opt/config ?

I think the problem is that the locations you specify are where spring looks for application.properties, application.yml and profile variants (application-prod.properties, etc). I think you are better off loading all the files in a configured location programmatically, this might provide some ideas.

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