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Dart - Make a function with mandatory type

I have a function in dart

someFunction<T extends SomeClass>() {
  // some code here

I want to be mandatory to specify type T

The language specification says ( https://dart.dev/guides/language/spec#h.dkzw3xyky3rs ) :

A type parameter T may be suffixed with an extends clause that specifies the upper bound for T. If no extends clause is present, the upper bound is Object. It is a static type warning if a type parameter is a supertype of its upper bound. The bounds of type variables are a form of type annotation and have no effect on execution in production mode.

So maybe something like the following could work:

<T> somefunction<T extends SomeType>(){}

I have not tested it by myself but let me know if it works.

I think your initial <T> is throwing it off. That should just be T .

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