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JavaFX runAsync with progress indicator and runLater

My code is loading connections asynchronously:

runAsync {
} ui {
    table.items = it

and inside loadConnections method:

//read connections from file and then 
Platform.runLater(() -> {
    CollectionsKt.bind(connections, databases, ConnectionsModel::new);
    connections.forEach(connection -> connection.setOwner(viewModel));

When I want to add progress bar as:

private val status = TaskStatus()
runAsync(status) {
} ui {
    table.items = it

But it blocks the progress indicator. As I understand 2 tasks ( progress and Platform.runLater ) are not executed in async . But how do I get this to work?

Try this code:

CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
    for (int n = 1; n > size; n++)

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