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Query function in Google Sheets simplification

I am looking for a way of simplifying this formula since it has to run in 17424 unique cells:

=IFERROR(SUMPRODUCT(QUERY('MASTER Accelo Data 1':A;G;"Select G where (B>=date '2020-01-01' and B<=date '2020-01-31' and A matches '"&J2&"' and D matches '"&JOIN("|":$T$2;$T)&"')";0)):0)+IFERROR(SUMPRODUCT(QUERY('MASTER Accelo Data 2';A;G:"Select G where (B>=date '2020-01-01' and B<=date '2020-01-31' and A matches '"&J2&"' and D matches '"&JOIN("|";$T$2;$T)&"')";0));0)


MASTER Accelo Data 1:G:G + MASTER Accelo Data 2!G:G = Cells to be summed

MASTER Accelo Data 1:B:B + MASTER Accelo Data 2!B:B= Dates to be checked

J2 = Customer ID

MASTER Accelo Data 1:A:A + MASTER Accelo Data 2!A:A = Customer IDs to be checked

T2:T = Array of owners

MASTER Accelo Data 1:D:D + MASTER Accelo Data 2!D:D = Owners to be checked

Link to dummy workbook: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hevSA0vl3YO81vaxfJ46TAyO-VkUhXKk8WRKY8268qY/edit?usp=sharing

Hoping you guys can help!

Solved using arrayformula:

   {{'MASTER Accelo Data 1'!A2:C;
     'MASTER Accelo Data 2'!A2:C}\
      {'MASTER Accelo Data 1'!D2:D;
       'MASTER Accelo Data 2'!D2:D};
    {'MASTER Accelo Data 1'!G2:G;
     'MASTER Accelo Data 2'!G2:G}};
   "select Col1, Sum(Col5) 
     Col3 is not null and
     Col2 >= date '2020-01-01' and
     Col2 <= date '2020-01-31'
    group by Col1
    pivot Col4
    label Col1 'ID'"))

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