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How to split PDF files from A4 size to letter size (half of A4 size) C# with Itext library

I want to split a pdf file from A4 size to letter size in c# Now i'm split it with this code, but it remains the same size

        string inPDF = Application.StartupPath + "\\log\\input.pdf";
        string outPDF = Application.StartupPath + "\\log\\output.pdf";\
        PdfStream pdfStream = new PdfStream(inPDF, FileMode.Open);
        PdfStream newPdfStream = new PdfStream(outPDF, FileMode.Create);
        PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdfStream);
        PageSize = reader.getPageSize(1);
        Document document = new Document(PageSize);
        PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, newPdfStream);
        PdfContentByte content = writer.Directcontent();
        PdfImportPage page = writer.getImportPage(reader, 1);
        content.addTemplate(page , 0 , 0);
  • This is the original pdf file在此处输入图像描述

  • This is Output Pdf file expecte在此处输入图像描述

How can I split pdf file to small size with half of A4 size??? Thank for read my post !

I fixed it with this code:

       FileStream newPdfStream = new FileStream(destineFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
        PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(sourceFile);
        iTextSharp.text.Rectangle pageSize = new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(
            (reader.GetPageSize(1).Height - reader.GetPageSize(1).Height * 2 / 3));
        Document document = new Document(pageSize);
        PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, newPdfStream);
        PdfContentByte content = writer.DirectContent;
        PdfImportedPage page = writer.GetImportedPage(reader, 1);
        content.AddTemplate(page, 0, -reader.GetPageSize(1).Height * 2 / 3);

Now it worked well. You can adjust the file size in the pageSize variable. Good luck !

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