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Function is repeating when I don't want it to

The input function of my code is repeating 3 times before going onto the next function. I have tried using while true and break and return None but none of that helps.

def welcome():
    print("Welcome to the Interest Loan Calculator")

def inp():
    loan = input("Enter loan amount: ")
    rate = input("Enter interest rate: ")
    return loan, rate

def conv():
    loan, rate=inp()
    if loan.endswith('K'):
        multiplier = 1000
        loan = loan[0:len(loan)-1]
    elif loan.endswith('M'):
        multiplier = 1000000
        loan = loan[0:len(loan)-1] 
    return int(float(loan) * multiplier)

def calc():
    loan = conv()
    print (loan)

def close():
print ("close placeholder")

def  main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

When running the code it asks me to input both loan and rate 3 times before moving to the calc function.

If you don't want to call inp three times, then don't. You call it once directly from the main program; you call it a second time through the sequence main => conv => inp, and a third time through main => calc => conv => inp.

I think you need to draw out the call tree of your program, and then alter it to match the design you actually want.

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