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Copy columns from one excel file to another excel file sheet using python

I have two excel sheets, I am trying to copy contents from one excel sheet to another using pandas.

First_excel sheet -

Name    Class   City    Date    Misc    Misc2   Blank Col
                 AA             xxx      12      --
                 AA             xx       32      --
                 BB             yyyyy    54      --
                 BB             zz       23      -- 
                 CC             yy       54      --
                 CC             ww       32      --

Second_excel sheet -

Name    Class   Date    City
Tom     Q,W   01-11-20   AA
Jerry   W     05-03-19   AA
Don     E,R   06-05-20   BB
Rob     T,Y   02-01-20   BB
Mike    W     05-03-18   CC
Ann     O,p   04-09-20   CC

Final Expected Sheet -

Name    Class   City    Date    Misc    Misc2   Blank Col
Tom     Q,W     AA   01-11-20   xxx     12       --
Jerry   W       AA   05-03-19   xx      32       --
Don     E,R     BB   06-05-20   yyyyy   54       --
Rob     T,Y     BB   02-01-20   zz      23       --
Mike    W       CC   05-03-18   yy      54       --
Ann     O,p     CC   04-09-20   ww      32       --

df1 = pd.read_excel("new_excel_file.xlsx", sheet_name = "Sheet1")
df2 = pd.read_excel("new_excel_file.xlsx", sheet_name = "Sheet2")
result = pd.concat([df1,df2])

This is the resultant dataframe I got

    Name    Class   City    Date        Misc    Misc2   Blank Col   
0   NaN     NaN     AA      NaT         xxx     12.0    --          
1   NaN     NaN     AA      NaT         xx      32.0    --          
2   NaN     NaN     BB      NaT         yyyyy   54.0    --          
3   NaN     NaN     BB      NaT         zz      23.0    --          
4   NaN     NaN     CC      NaT         yy      54.0    --          
5   NaN     NaN     CC      NaT         ww      32.0    --          
0   Tom     Q,W     AA      2020-11-01  NaN     NaN     NaN         
1   Jerry   W       AA      2019-03-05  NaN     NaN     NaN         
2   Don     E,R     BB      2020-05-06  NaN     NaN     NaN         
3   Rob     T,Y     BB      2020-01-02  NaN     NaN     NaN         
4   Mike    W       CC      2018-03-05  NaN     NaN     NaN         
5   Ann     O,p     CC      2020-09-04  NaN     NaN     NaN         

My ideas was to replace NaN with actual values from df2 or second_excel in their positions. Please help me to get my expected output.

You can use fillna to merge the two columns with same name then append the last column. First load the files:

df1 = pd.read_excel("new_excel_file.xlsx", sheet_name = "Sheet1")
df2 = pd.read_excel("new_excel_file.xlsx", sheet_name = "Sheet2")

Fill empty columns in df1 with df2:

fill = df1.fillna(df2[['Name', 'Class', 'Date']])

Then join the last column:

result = teste.join(df2[['City']])


Since you edited your post, just use fill = df1.fillna(df2) and it will do

The output:

    Name Class  City                 Date   Misc  Misc2 Blank Col 
0    Tom   Q,W    AA  2020-11-01 00:00:00    xxx     12        -- 
1  Jerry     W    AA  2019-03-05 00:00:00     xx     32        -- 
2    Don   E,R    BB  2020-05-06 00:00:00  yyyyy     54        --  
3    Rob   T,Y    BB  2020-01-02 00:00:00     zz     23        --  
4   Mike     W    CC  2018-03-05 00:00:00     yy     54        --  
5    Ann   O,p    CC  2020-09-04 00:00:00     ww     32        --  

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