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Using if statements with user inputs

I am trying to create a simple product inventory using python but for some reason the if statement won't run and I don't know what's wrong. Below is the output and inputs of the code.


def inventory_products():
    choice = str(input("What do you want to do? \nEnter Add item, Quantity, Show Inventory:"))
    if choice == 'Add item':
        input("Enter name")


What do you want to do? 
Enter Add item, Quantity, Show Inventory:Add item 

Process finished with exit code 0

Try this:

def inventory_products():
    choice = str(input("What do you want to do? \nEnter Add item, Quantity, Show Inventory:"))
    if choice.strip() == 'Add item': # change in code to remove extra spaces
        input("Enter name")

If you want to know about comparing strings in python click here

but you can try this code:

def inventory_products():
    choice = str(input("What do you want to do? \nEnter Add item, Quantity, Show Inventory:")).lower()
    if choice.strip() == 'add item':
        input("Enter name: ")
        print("Invalid Choice!")


So .lower() will convert any capital letter to small letters, so that errors can be reduced

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